Table of Contents
General Troubleshooting
To start off, please check your internet or data connection. If it’s not strong enough, it can affect the app’s ability to load ads. If you can, move to an area with a stronger connection before and try viewing ads again. For additional steps that troubleshoot the reebee app and help resolve common issues, please consult this article.
Ad Blocker Troubleshooting
If you have an adblocker installed on your device, you may experience issues such as images/flyers/ads not loading. Commonly, if you have “AdAway” on your Android device, you are likely to experience this. The good news is there is a way to solve it. Please follow the below steps and images should be visible when you open up reebee again:
- Open AdAway
- Tap on the menu (overflow) button and tap “Preferences”
- Under the “Hosts File” section, ensure “Allow Whitelisting” is checked
- Tap the back button to go back to the main screen.
- Tap on the menu (overflow) button and tap “Your Lists”.
- When on the “Your Lists” screen, tap the “White” Tab.
- Tap the “+” button (on the bar in the top right)
- Under “Hostname” Type “f.wishabi*” and tap “ADD”.
- Go back to the main screen.
- Tap “Download Files and Apply Ad Blocking”
- When this is successful, tap “Yes” to reboot your phone. (You need to reboot your phone for the whitelist to take effect.)
- After the reboot, go back into reebee. The app should now correctly download the flyers.