In order for retailers to best deliver content to all our users reebee currently cannot support a feature that allows users to delete or remove stores that they are not interested in. Please know that we are always looking for ways to improve and ensure that the stores you are seeing are as relevant to you as possible.
At reebee, we understand that not being able to remove stores can be frustrating. To best ensure that you are seeing ads that are most relevant to you please use our Favourites feature! You can select stores to be your favourites by clicking the heart icon in the top right corner of the ad you are viewing. Adding stores to your favourites allows you to access these stores quickly and allows you to see only these stores while in this tab. Also, while in this view we’ve added the area “Other Stores to Explore” at the bottom of your [Favorites] tab so that we can help users find content that they might find relevant!
If you have additional questions, email us at <> or by using the Contact Us form below.