The reebee app can easily be downloaded on both iOS and Android devices. If you’d like to download our app, please visit the App Store or the Google Play Store.
Apple Devices
Click here to download reebee for Apple.
Android Devices
Click here to download reebee for Android.
Minimum Requirements
If you’re having a hard time downloading reebee, take a look at the minimum requirements needed for your device below.
reebee has a minimum requirement of Android 7.0 +, anything below this will not be compatible with reebee. Additionally, any devices older than September 2015 will not be compatible with reebee. You can check your Android version via Settings > About phone > Android version.
reebee has a minimum requirement of iOS 15.0 +, anything below this will not be compatible with reebee. Additionally, any devices older than September 2015 will not be compatible with reebee. You can check your iOS version via Settings > General > About > iOS version.
If your device doesn’t meet these OS requirements, you can always visit using a web browser on your device instead. This will still allow you to browse ads and items, make a shopping list, and find coupons (US only) so you can get your savings!
If you experience any difficulties downloading reebee on a supported iOS or Android version please send us an email at <> with your zip/postal code and let us know your scenario. We’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible!